Preschool (K3 & K4)
Tuition & Fees 2025-2026
New Payment Method
The ACA office now accepts credit/debit cards (processing fees included).
Online payments now available.
Processing fees
In-person: 2.6% + 15¢ per transaction. Example: $100 payment + fees = $102.75 total charge
Online: 3.415% + 30¢ per transaction. Example: $100 payment + fees = $103.72 total charge
Preschool Registration
Fee: $100
Must be paid in full at the time of application.
Fee is non-refundable unless your child is not accepted.
Preschool Tuition (3 & 4 year old)
Due each Friday for the following week.
Late payments are subject to late fees.
Multiple Child Discounts
2nd child: $100
3rd child: $95
4th child: $90
Student Insurance
$20 per student per year
$45 per student per year
Textbooks Fees
K3: $60
K4: $90
Due July 1 (or at enrollment after July 1)
School-age Summer Care
Full time: $105/week
Available to all school-age students up to 10 years old
Returned Checks
A fee of $20 may be assessed for each returned check.
After a second returned check, the account will be placed on cash-only payment.